Courts at Japan
Please be sure to read it.
Find places to play Pickleball around the world included Japan on your iPhone/WEB! The Pace 2 Play is a service provided by USA Pickleball. Play court information can be obtained by entering an address, zip code, or court name from the search screen.
日本を含む、世界中のピックルボールコートを、Place 2 Play (WEBおよび、iPhoneアプリ)で検索可能です。Pace 2 PlayはUSA Pickleballが提供しているサービスです。検索画面から住所、郵便番号、またはコート名を入力することにより、プレイコート情報を得ることができます。
JHPA currently offers courts in "MINATO" and "SHIBUYA" of TOKYO. Bring your own paddle and join us. Please respect local pickleballers, observe good manners and enjoy pickleball.
* Disclaimer: Please note that even if the Association incurs any damages to users, etc. due to the use of the information posted on this site, the Association will not be held responsible for such damages.
Japanese pickleball court information! It is required to contact the person in charge before going to court. Please say "introduction from JHPA". If you need help with Japanese, JHPA will help you. Please keep your manners and enjoy playing! (*The organizer of each court may change the day and time without notice. Mahalo.)
Area 関東 Kanto
JHPA Shibuya-ku, Higashi Health Plaza
Place :東京都渋谷区東3-14-13 ひがし健康プラザ3階
Higashi, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, Higashi Kenko Plaza 3F
責任者:Yuki Tanaka
Person in charge: Yuki Tanaka
*Please contact YUKI for the schedule of this event.
JHPA 渋谷区文化総合センター大和田
JHPA Shibuya-ku, Cultural Center Owada
23-21 Sakuragaoka, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo
責任者:Yuki Tanaka
Person in charge: Yuki Tanaka
*Please contact YUKI for the schedule of this event.
JHPA 渋谷区地域交流センター代々木の杜
JHPA Shibuya-ku, Community exchange center Yoyogi Mori
2-35-1 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
責任 者:Yuki Tanaka
Person in charge: Yuki Tanaka
*Please contact YUKI for the schedule of this event.
JHPA Minato-ku, Sports Center
Place:東京都港区芝浦1-16-1 みなとパーク芝浦5階
Shibaura, Minato Ward, Tokyo Minato Park Shibaura 5F
責任者:Yuki Tanaka
Person in charge: Yuki Tanaka
*Please contact YUKI for the schedule of this event.
東京 杉並区 Suginami-ku Tokyo
Eifuku, Suginami Ward, Tokyo
責任者:嵯峨野 美幸
Person in charge: Miyuki Sagano
Schedule:月曜18:00〜21:00、火曜11:00〜15:00/18:30〜21:00、土曜 9:00〜13:00
Mon 18:00-21:00, Tue 11:00-15:00 / 18:30-21:00, Sat 9:00-13:00
東京 日野市 Hino-City, Tokyo
Place:WEB reference
Fee : お問い合わせください。
After entering the schedule management application "Densuke", you need to contact us using the inquiry form on the website.
東京 八王子市 Hachioji-City, Tokyo
Place:WEB reference
Fee : お問い合わせください。
Sun 9:00-12:00, Wed 19:30-21:30, Saty 9:00-12:00/13:00-15:00 etc. You need to contact us using the inquiry form on the website.
Schedule:日曜 9:00~12:00、水曜 19:30~21:30、土曜 9:00~12:00/13:00~15:00 etc. WEB内のお問い合わせフォームで連絡必要。
東京都 町田市および、神奈川県町田市 Machida-City, Tokyo and Yokohama-chity Kanagawa
Place:WEB reference
Fee : 300 円(Yen)
For participation in practice sessions, please see "Team Information" in the schedule management app "Densuke". You can check the basic information of each courts etc.
神奈川県 横須賀市 Yokosuka-city, Kanagawa
Place:WEB reference
西村尚也 横須賀ピックルボールクラブ代表
Naoya Nishimura, Representative of Yokosuka Pickleball Club
Fee : 500 円(Yen)
For participation in practice sessions, please see "Team Information" in the schedule management app "Densuke". You can check the basic information of each courts etc.
埼玉県 川口市 Kawaguchi-City, Saitama
1077 Koyaba, Kawaguchi City, Saitama
Fee : 500 円(Yen)※特別価格 Special Price
Sun 13:00-16:00 etc. To participate in the practice session, you need to apply online.
Schedule:日曜 13:00~16:00 etc. 練習会への参加は、WEBでの申し込みが必要。
千葉県 浦安市 Urayasu-City, Chiba
Maihama, Urayasu City, Chiba
Fee : お問い合わせください。
Sat 9:00-11:00 etc. For participation in practice sessions, please see "Team Information" in the schedule management app "Densuke". You can check the basic information of the team, contact method, etc.
Schedule:土曜9:00~11:00 etc. 練習会への参加は、スケジュール管理アプリ「伝助」の「チーム情報」をご覧ください。チームの基本情報、連絡方法等をご確認いただけます。